CBD Oil Health & Wellness

Are you familiar with Cannabidiol (CBD)?

CBD (Cannabidiol) is one of the main naturally wholesome and beneficial chemical compound found in the Hemp plant. It works with our brain to regulate and manage bodily functions such as, pain, anxiety, sleep, appetite and depression to name a few. These therapeutic effects and medicinal benefits of CBD Oil extracted from American grown holistic Organic Hemp aren't mythical or false claims, yet scientifically proven facts by top research scientists and physicians across the world.

Did you know that our body naturally generates cannabinoids? 

That's right our body naturally generates many cannabinoids to regulate & manage many functions, such as mood, sleep, pain, stress and appetite. This system is called Endocannabinoid System (ECS). Cannabidiol (CBD) extracted from Industrial Hemp (Cannabis Sativa) works with our endocannabinoid system (ECS), hence it helps balance and regulates our Pain, Stress, Sleep, Appetite and many other bodily functions.
One would ask how does a plant based cannabinoid (Phytocannabinoid) be same as the one generated by our Endocannabinoid System. Well the research scientists and physicians around the globe has verified that the hemp-based cannabinoids are molecularly identical to the ECS generated cannabinoids.

Since CBD (Cannabidiol) is the major cannabinoid naturally found in the flowers (Bud) of the hemp plant, it helps regulate majority of our physiological functions (Bodily functions) by exerting its medicinal therapeutic effects with our Endocannabinoid System (ECS). 

How does Cannabidiol (CBD) works with our Body?

The cannabidiol (CBD) extracted from Industrial Hemp (Cannabis Sativa) plant exerts its therapeutic medicinal effects in our Endocannabinoid System (ECS) to regulate Pain, Stress, Appetite, Sleep and Anxiety. CBD is a naturally holistic and has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant therapeutic effects.  

Is CBD safe for pets?

Yes CBD is absolutely safe for our pet's consumption, as their Endocannabinoid Systems (ECS) is identical to the humans. CBD naturally helps pets with managing their separation anxiety, depression, muscles and joints problems and to regulate their appetite and digestion. CBD has naturally anti-inflammatory, pain relief, digestion and anxiety relief properties. Many of our customers have reported positive feedbacks on how our CBD oil has helped their beloved furry family members with their health and wellness related issues.

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